A seven-level Ikea eco-store is being built in Vienna – with no car parks, targeting pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.
The new venue features a bookcase-style design with green facades and a green roof terrace with plenty of strolling space. The store, designed by Querkraft Architekten, is thought to appeal to the many families in the region living without cars.
“The concept focuses on the current megatrends and takes into account the dramatically changed shopping behavior as well as a new form of mobility without a car,” read a statement from the firm.
“Customers have little time and appreciate convenience and comfort. This is clearly noticeable in the furnishing area: more and more customers no longer even think about carrying their purchases home themselves. You can have them delivered.”
The Ikea eco-store is scheduled for completion next year.
This story originally appeared on sister site Inside Retail Asia.