Inside Retail’s Top 50 People in E-Commerce is an annual ranking of the most impressive and inspiring leaders in Australia’s online retail industry. Our 2024 report features C-level executives with decades of leadership experience, alongside start-up founders and digital specialists with a wide range of skills, from marketing to logistics. You can download it here. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing in-depth profiles of this year’s Top 10. Here’s the story of how
ow #8, Argylica Conditsis, founder and director at Babyboo, built an e-commerce empire from the ground up.
Inside Retail: You officially launched Babyboo in 2013, when you were just 17 years old and working as a casual at Pizza Hut. What inspired you to start your own fashion brand?
Argylica Conditsis: If you had told me 13 years ago as I stood behind a Pizza Hut counter that I would achieve what we have built today, I probably would not have believed you.
When I was 17, I had a specific shoe style in mind – heels adorned with diamante rhinestones. Unfortunately, these shoes were either too expensive or not readily available. Determined to have them, I decided to create them myself. After posting my creations on Facebook, I received a tremendous amount of interest, prompting me to design and sell shoes on the platform. As I listened to customer feedback, I made a strategic shift, pivoting the company towards apparel, and that’s when sales really took off!
I had zero mentors to learn from. Everything I know today has been through trial and error and learning on the go. I was able to grow the business at a faster rate by employing people in the areas where I needed their expertise. I am still learning and teaching myself new things to this day. With this, I have built a business worth over $60 million.
IR: What does the Babyboo business look like today?
AC: Every single thing about the business has evolved. Our mission, “To empower women around the world, dressed head to toe in Babyboo,” is the only thing that has remained.
Today, Babyboo is one of the fastest-growing self-funded e-commerce brands in Australia. We efficiently process and deliver thousands of orders daily to over 145 countries. The team is doubling or tripling, year on year; we have 53 passionate employees around the world, who are aligned and driven by our mission.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident through our 24/7 customer service and an impressive Trustpilot record with over 10,700 reviews, averaging a remarkable 4.7/5 rating. This extensive feedback reflects over a decade of dedicated effort focused on ensuring our customers have a positive experience with our brand.
Our second warehouse in Sydney spans 1100sqm, contributing to the establishment of a highly efficient dual-operation distribution centre. We have successfully scaled our operations to handle 6,000 orders daily, reflecting a remarkable 640 per cent increase.
IR: You seem to have an amazing ability to leverage social media and partnerships to drive growth. What’s the secret to your success?
AC: Social media is my passion. I really really love it. I understand what our customer wants to see, and I create concepts before they become saturated. If others are doing it, it’s already outdated.
Successful use of social media starts with a deep understanding of your target audience. You need to know their preferences, behaviours, and the platforms they frequent, and tailor your content and engagement strategies accordingly.
Having a solid brand story is very important. Ours has always been about women, and with that, we have built a strong cult-like following. Our style has evolved over 10 years, but our core has always been the same, which is why we have lasted. It’s important to evolve your product and still stay on brand, which can take some time to learn how to balance.
We have also built a really strong network of influencers and models who love the brand, align with our values and help amplify our messaging to millions of their followers worldwide.
IR: Another major growth driver is the scarcity strategy that you implemented recently. Can you explain the impact it’s had on the business?
AC: Implementing the scarcity strategy has been a gamechanger for us, driving massive demand for our products and transforming the dynamics of customer engagement. We introduced limited-edition releases for select products. These items are available only in limited quantities, encouraging customers to act swiftly to secure these special offerings. The growth we have experienced, particularly within the past year, has been remarkable.
IR: How have you evolved as a leader over the years, and what advice do you have for other young leaders in the industry?
AC: Over the years, my journey as an entrepreneur and leader has been a constant process of growth and adaptation. Early on, I was focused on honing my technical skills and developing a deep understanding of the industry. As my journey progressed, I quickly realised the importance of leadership beyond technical expertise.
Building and leading a team requires effective communication, empathy, and the ability to inspire others. I’ve learned that a successful entrepreneur is not just an expert in their field but also a skilled communicator and motivator.