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a court hammer

Blue Sky Kids Land fined $5 million for exploiting Chinese workers

Wedding dress retailer George Elsissa faces fine for underpaying staff

Why Victoria’s Wage Inspectorate is taking Woolies to court

Super Retail Group faces court action over alleged underpayments

Woolworths’ ballooning underpayments muddy a strong half

FWO takes Coles to court over alleged $115m in underpayments


FWO taking Woolworths to court for failure to back-pay underpaid workers

Class action alleges On The Run underpaid staff by up to $70 million

Criminal penalties for corporate wage theft are appealing, but won’t fix the problem on their own

How to avoid an underpayment fiasco

Best of 2019: Payment scandals

Failure to comply: endemic underpayment

No, a ‘complex’ system is not to blame for corporate wage theft

FWO on underpayment: Self-disclosure no longer enough

Subway under investigation for underpaying workers

Michael Hill to rectify six years of underpayment

Domino’s facing class action over underpayment claims

Chatime facing allegations of rampant underpayment

Beaurepaires identifies nine years of payment mistakes

Taskforce recommends criminal penalties for wage theft