At GS1 Australia, we care about the quality of your barcodes.
GS1 barcodes are our business. We have tested more than 1.5 million barcodes using the GS1 Australia Barcode Check service.
Barcode Check makes sure your product sells for the right price and is recorded accurately in the retailers’ systems.
Top three reasons to use Barcode Check:
- Save time and money: avoid having to re-design, re-print, or recall products due to barcodes that don’t scan properly
- Ensure better relationships with customer: retailers won’t put up with products that have scanning issues
- Service you can trust: GS1 Australia is the world’s leading authority on barcodes and numbering
The retail sector has relied on GS1 Australia’s barcode expertise, knowledge and understanding of scanning environments for over 35 years.
Our message is simple; there is no substitute for the original and quality of a genuine GS1 Australia Barcode Verification Report using Barcode Check.
A non-GS1 report does not test all the elements that make a barcode work. Don’t make the mistake of booking your barcode verification with another company.
Contact us now to check your barcode using Barcode Check:
T: 1300 BARCODE | E: | Visit website