The Federal Coalition may take up many of the ARA’s suggestions to remove SME retail business hurdles and simplify the business sector should it be elected, according to Australian Retailers Association executive director, Russell Zimmerman.
Zimmerman made the statement following a series of meetings with Coalition members and Senators. He has urged the Government to follow suit.
“The ARA appreciates the time and effort Senator Arthur Sinodinos, Shadow Minister Andrew Robb and their colleagues have taken in consulting with the ARA on numerous occasions throughout this process.
“The ARA welcomes real outcomes in areas such as superannuation collection and parental leave administration being removed from the administrative burden of retailers as a fantastic first move in simplifying business redtape,” Zimmerman said.
The ARA is pushing for changes including:
· Allowing small businesses to remit compulsory superannuation payments made on behalf of workers directly to the Australian Taxation Office
· Transferring administration of paid parental leave from business to the Family Assistance Office
· Repealing the carbon tax
· Setting aside two Parliamentary sitting days for the repeal of legislation each year
· Reporting to Parliament annually on red and green tape reduction
· Creating a dedicated unit within each department and agency that is charged with driving red tape reduction
· Linking the remuneration of senior public servants to quantified and proven reductions in red tape · Including annual red tape reduction targets in the performance criteria to be considered in determining the re-appointment of departmental Secretaries
· Requiring all Cabinet submissions to include a Regulatory Impact Statement – and ensuring they quantify the costs to business and/or the community of new regulations
· Establishing ministerial advisory councils for each portfolio minister as a means to provide advice on cutting red and green tape.
“With many of these measures talked about for some time, the ARA calls on the Government to follow suit in supporting these changes,” Zimmerman said.