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Retail spending to improve: CBA

Retail on wrong end of household spending shift

Retail spending up, online spending slows

Retail spending up 0.4% in June

Economy-wide spending growth slows in May

Social media impacts student spending habits

Deloitte: Stagnant Q2 growth for retail sector

Department stores rebound in February

Consumer confidence hits four-year high

Reserve Bank holds as business leaders list concerns

Retail ‘weak’ as business conditions lift

Households spending more on basics, less on extras

Unavoidable costs to rise, shopper’s spare cash to drop

Weak wages weigh on closed wallets

The disappointing aftermath of Christmas

Economists hopeful of profitable Xmas for retailers

Consumers outspend income growth

Aussie retail tipped to hit record revenue

Australian retail spending rises in November 2015

NRA forecasts Christmas spend