Metcash, Woolworths and Wesfarmers are among the Australian companies with the worst safety records, according to a Citi report published this week.
Safety Spotlight:ASX100 Companies & More measured the safety performance of ASX100 companies and 26 others. Injury data is reported as LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) or TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate). Of the 126 companies, 84 companies report LTIFR (per million hours worked) and 51 companies report TRIFR (per million hours worked).
Metcash had the highest LTIFR injury rate in the sample. It had a rate of 14.1 injuries that resulted in time away from work for every million hours worked. This figure was down from16.3 in the previous year.
Woolworths was ranked second (10.4), followed by Qantas Airways (8.9) and Wesfarmers (7.6).
The report provides data on workplace fatalities for the past decade. Metcash report one death between 2005 and 2015, an employee who died in a single motor vehicle accident. Woolworths reported seven deaths, including five customers. Wesfarmers reported no fatalities in relation to its retail operations.
A number of companies don’t report their injury data including Domino’s Pizza and TPG.