Retailers caught selling banned so-called “baby bling” could be endangering infants as well as risking prosecution, warns the ACCC.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission spokeswoman Sarah Court said the ACCC is concerned that some online retailers have not got the message and continue to offer these dangerous products for sale.
The ban was announced by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer on July 15.
“These products pose a serious choking, inhalation or ingestion hazard to infants and young children,” said Court.
“Parents and carers who already own a bling dummy or bling chain are urged to keep it away from their infant.”
The interim ban of 60 days was imposed on Friday after NSW Fair Trading identified an urgent safety risk.
In South Australia, Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Paul White, said the Consumer and Business Services (CBS) will be enforcing a ban on ‘bling’ babies’ dummies and chains.
He said the dummies and dummy chains are decorated with crystals, beads and other ‘bling’ which pose a serious choking threat to babies when the ‘bling’ decorations separate from the dummy or chain when used or cleaned.
Added White: “The dummies and chains have been tested and failed the mandatory safety requirements for both toys for dummies and children under three years.”
“Following an investigation by NSW Fair Trading, Consumer and Business Services Safety officers met with other Australian Consumer Law regulators yesterday and agreed to impose an interim Australia-wide ban to be implemented by the Commonwealth.
“The ban takes effect immediately, and will initially remain in force for 60 days while a permanent ban, safety standard or other action is considered,” the Commissioner said.
“SA CBS Product Safety officers commenced market surveillance yesterday and will continue to monitor for illegal supply of the products. To date, none of the products have been detected in the SA market place.
“Appropriate action will be taken against any trader found to be selling these dangerous products.”
Maximum penalties for supplying goods covered by an interim ban are $1.1 million for a company or $220,000 for a person. Expiation fines of $1200 may be issued for less serious offences.
Other states are following suit.