Not ‘Just Another Channel’
In this report:
- 1 in 2 Australians have purchased on a marketplace in the last 12 months
- 48% of shoppers used Amazon Australia for price checking and 74% check seller reviews of products
- 54% of shoppers hold at least 1 marketplace membership, with 93% citing free delivery as the reason
Not ‘just another channel’ offers shopper insights to drive online marketplace success.
With 3 in 4 Australians using multiple marketplaces on a regular basis for browsing, shopping, or buying its likely that every retailer with an online presence has at least considered selling via a marketplace.
Drawing upon a wide range of the latest data and industry knowledge, Not ‘just another channel’ provides a much-needed perspective on shopper engagement with marketplaces and provides recommendations to merchants and sellers for leveraging marketplaces to gain new customers and increase sales.
Download the free report to gain industry insights and advice on how to best optimise marketplace involvement.