Global beauty brand Lush is shutting down its Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat accounts until the platforms take action to provide a safer experience for their users.
According to Lush, this new ‘Anti-Social’ policy will take affect across all 48 of its regions, and relates to the social platforms’ unwillingness to deal with the detrimental impact social media has on people.
“Like so many teenagers have experienced before us, Lush has tried to come off social media [before], but our [fear of missing out] is vast and… we find ourselves back on there, despite our best intentions,” Lush said in a statement.
“Our resolve has been strengthened by all the latest information from courageous whistleblowers, which clearly lays out the known harms that young people are exposed to because of the current algorithm and loose regulation of this new area of our lives.”
According to the business’ leadership, they feel forced to take action to shield their customers from the harm and manipulation prevalent on the platforms, and they hope there will be more strict guidelines, and international regulations, put in place to protect people.
Lush co-founder and chief executive Mark Constantine said, as someone who has spent his entire life avoiding adding harmful ingredients to the mix of its products, the company had to take action.
“There is now overwhelming evidence we are being put at risk when using social media,” Constantine said.
“I’m not willing to expose my customers to this harm, so it’s time to take it out of the mix.”
The business said it will still be available on Twitter and YouTube.