Explore pop-up store possibilities with JLL Specialty Mall Leasing.
The retail landscape is ever changing. You never quite know what’s going to pop-up next. It pays to stay flexible in your approach. Fortunately, JLL has created a website which puts flexible retail leasing options front and centre. Their site, specialtymallleasing.com provides a wide range of options – from compact spaces suitable for pop-up stores in major Australian shopping centres right through to short-term casual spaces.
The beauty of such a service is you can lease valuable space in areas that often have high foot-traffic and close to major players for a fraction of the cost of taking on a large lease in a large space. It’s an excellent way to try out a new business initiative, launch a promotion or just capture attention for your product or service. The site has spaces suitable for:
- Casual leasing
- Pop-up shops
- Small kiosks
- Market displays
- Advertising & promotion stand areas
- Recreational purposes (ie. children’s ride-ons)
- Vending (public phones, ATMs, snack & beverage machines)
Using the website and searching for spaces is pretty straightforward. You simply choose your centre and location in the search, check the centre calendar for availabilities, key in your dates and send. A price is calculated for your review and confirmation. JLL Specialty Mall Leasing usually process requests within three working days, allowing you to run your new retail or promotional opportunity quickly and with a minimum of fuss.
Call 1300 768 588 now and receive 30 per cent off your next pop-up store order. Simply quote promo code: JLLPOPUP30. This offer is valid until February 14, 2016 for any booked space allocated prior to August 31, 2016.
To see what’s available right now, Australia-wide, or to make a booking, visit www.specialtymallleasing.com