Saving the planet one sneaker subscription at a time, Kyx has big plans to tackle consumption by incorporating a rent, wear, return (or buy) program. The LA-based Kyx World subscription gives those with a Kyx membership access to the hottest new drops, flipping the script on having to make a purchase each time a new sneaker is released. Sneakerheads can enjoy monthly drops of up to four pairs of sneakers per month or choose a set amount they want to pay, with the option to also opt for new
new or lightly worn sneakers. Customers then pay for the ones they want to keep and return the ones they don’t.
Every pair of sneakers returned to Kyx is carefully looked after by Reshoevn8r, a speciality shoe cleaner with a rigorous 10-step cleaning process.
Kyx World co-founder and CEO Brian Mupo believes “Kyx can and will become the platform where people from all walks of life go for their favourite sneakers. Kyx serves as an authentic and inclusive representation of street and sneaker culture in a way the community does not currently reflect”.
The sneaker market has been at the forefront of resale for a couple of decades now. This, however, is a first in sneaker rental subscription, giving sneaker enthusiasts access to over 275 of the most exclusive drops by joining the Kyx World program. It’s a very warm welcome to the democratisation of sneakers.
Share the hype
What we choose to own has changed dramatically. In just the past five years, we’ve seen our perception of ownership turned upside down with the rise of subscription-based services across entertainment, essential items and clothing.
However, luxury brands tend to pride themselves on being unattainable to those who can’t afford their products. There are signs of a changing of the guard, starting with Kyx. Opening more channels to people who genuinely want to be part of sneaker culture and removing the barriers to entry, and letting everyone share in the hype is the ultimate way to achieve inclusivity.
By creating a program that circulates sneakers regularly to thousands of people ensures each pair is being used, loved and maintained. As a bonus, customers don’t have to worry about finding another place to store sneakers when we’ve moved onto the next major drop — they can simply send them back to be cleaned and sold onto the next person.
Marie Kondo your sneaker habit
In addition to keeping the freshest sneakers on people’s feet, Kyx is aiming to reduce space and consumption in the process. There’s still a strong desire to access the latest sneaker drops; however, the need to purchase each and every pair is decreasing.
A rental subscription program can provide a highly convenient customer experience, especially when each person’s subscription is matched to their style preferences.
Kyx executive creative director and sneaker connoisseur Jeff Staple says: “You can always buy what you’ll know you’ll love, but now, with Kyx, here’s a way to try out all the latest heat while saving space and money.”
Rental, hot or not?
Product rental comes at a cost, too. It’s wise to understand some of the pitfalls associated with renting sneakers that are literally on high rotation.
“Gaining access to new sneaker drops through subscription is very interesting,” says futurist and sneaker enthusiast Steve Sammartino. “It reduces the cost for consumers and simultaneously gains predictable revenue and volume for Kyx. However, in my experience, there are very few rental models that have worked on the web where there isn’t product wear out.
“For the rental of physical items to be successful, they need to be high-value such as houses, cars and private jets — things that don’t degrade much per use. But the internet graveyard is filled with fashion rental startups. They typically consist of four interactions per transaction, and it eats into margin — the economics just don’t work.”
A recent study published by the Finnish Scientific Journal delves deep into different ownership models and end-of-life scenarios. It’s hard not to wonder about the impact of constantly moving sneakers around and its toll on the environment. However, in comparison to alternative methods, unwanted sneakers shouldn’t end up in landfills. Perhaps rental is a way of prolonging a product’s life.
It’s undeniable that the sneaker economy continues to grow. The demand for exclusive drops is constant, and until now, many people have been unable to participate due to overpricing and fierce competition. Time will tell whether a rental model for sneakers will be a success. Until then, Kyx World is providing affordable access to sought-after kicks, which means you can try those Yeezy’s after all.