No matter how established you are, the thought of standing at the front of the room to speak to your colleagues or clients is enough to drive even the most hardened professional to reconsider their life choices. The fear, the nervousness, the excitement. What if something goes wrong? What if it goes right! It’s all about the fear factor Having taught presentation skills to the corporate market for the last 20 years, one of the most common questions people come up with is how do they get their
their mindset right so they can handle the stress and lead the room.
The first fear that most people have is based around knowledge. This is expressed as something like, ‘I’m alright with public speaking as long as I know the topic’. My internal reply to that is always, ‘Well der-Fred! If I didn’t know what I was going to speak about then I’d be nervous too!’. If you don’t know your topic you’re going to be nervous. If you don’t know your topic you should be nervous. If you don’t know your topic – please don’t speak.
It was Confucius who said, ‘Only speak if you are going to improve on the silence already in the room.’ When you consider how rare silence is in our world today this 2,500 year old advice is pretty good.
The second comment people make is that they are OK once they get started, but the first minutes kill them. This kind of makes sense. People imagine all sorts of things that could go wrong only to find that most of them don’t. As the fifteenth century French philosopher Michel de Montaigne wrote, ‘My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.’
As fun as quoting Confucius and Montaigne clearly is, there are other ways to get your head right for a big presentation. The secret to getting you mindset sorted for your next presentation lies not in your head, but in your body.
Pay attention to sensations
Regardless of your attitude to presenting, every time you think of it there will be a physical sensation in your body. The secret to having a great mindset around presenting is how you react to the sensations.
Those who don’t like presenting react to the sensations by labelling them as butterflies, nervousness, anxiety or something similar will go poorly, why they are not good enough or something else. Those who like presenting label the sensations as something like excitement, energising or similar. They then tell themselves a story about why they are good at presenting.
Contrary to what pop psychology will tell you, having a good mindset is not about trying to reshape the story you tell yourself from not liking it to liking it. This is simply replacing one made up story with another.
The best reaction to those energetic sensations – be they undesirable or desirable – is to simply not react – simply observe. Just observe the sensation in your body as it rises and falls away. The beauty of this technique is that not only does it work, but if you are concerned about presenting you can use this days before presenting to ensure that your are fine on the day.
Four things not to do
The process of not reacting is about observing and nothing else. Unfortunately, most of us make this harder than it should be. Below are the four simple steps to help you not react.
At any time before presenting (perhaps hours or days before – or just as you are about to go on stage) think of your presentation. This might be what is needed to prepare to what it will be like standing up the front of the room speaking to the audience.
Notice any sensations you feel in your body. Pay close attention to them.
Apply the Six Don’t’s – Don’t label them (I’m feeling nervous); Don’t justify them (it is a big presentation, I should be nervous), don’t explain them (I’ve always been a nervous speaker), don’t suppress them (feel the fear and do it anyway), don’t own them (I always feel nervous when I present) and finally don’t fight it – just let it come up. Just experience the sensations as they happen.
Stay with the sensations until they subside.
There are no right or wrong sensations that you should experience when you come to present. What you are experiencing at this time is simply a culmination of all the programming that has gone into you about presenting. When you simply observe the sensations you are undoing that programming. When you undo the programming you are creating a new mindset that can enable you to deliver a great presentation.