Liana Lorenzato, the head of marketing at Modibodi, discusses work-life balance, juggling short and long-term goals, and lessons learned from The Devil Wears Prada. Inside Retail: Do you have any personal strategies to foster a healthy work-life balance? How do you ‘turn off’ from work? Liana Lorenzato: I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to a healthy work-life balance, especially when you are in marketing. It tends to be an ‘always on’ profession. I do
I do believe it is important to separate personal space and time from work, and to aim for a smooth transition between work and home. I use the time between work and home to transition from ‘work mode’ to ‘relax mode’. I am also fortunate enough to drive through a national park to get home; this vista helps me decompress.
IR: What does a typical day look like for you, and can you discuss how you manage the day-to-day grind?
LL: I sit on the leadership team and oversee a few key departments within Modibodi; CX, creative, brand and e-commerce, which means no day is the same. However, before the day starts, I will review my ‘to-do list for the week.’
Before I arrive at the office I will usually have checked emails, and will categorise them based on priority. I will also check LinkedIn, Tiktok and Instagram to get across anything overnight that I can share with the team. I like to divide meetings into analytical and creative to ensure my mindset is right for the meeting need.
I’ll prep for the next day after dinner so I can go into the evening relaxed and be present for my family.
IR: Do you have any mentors or networks that you check in with, or who have provided advice or support over the course of your career journey?
LL: I have a great network of industry colleagues that I connect with regularly. We discuss challenges and opportunities in our respective industries, and our learnings while climbing up the corporate ladder.
IR: How do you manage to find that sweet spot in terms of balancing day-to-day tasks and working toward achieving long-term goals? Are there strategies or tools you rely on for this?
LL: Time blocking and ‘no meeting’ hours each week help me balance ‘the now’ and longer-term goals. It’s not easy. I absolutely rely on my Trello board – without it, I would be lost.
IR: Are there any books, movies or resources that have influenced your approach to leadership, or that you lean on to get through challenging periods?
LL: I went to a Brené Brown event a couple of years ago and this was pivotal for me, changing the way I thought about leadership and management of people. I also follow the likes of [leadership guru] Simon Sinek and – I’m not going to lie – The Devil Wears Prada did remind me of a past role and a boss I had.
It was a big lesson on how not to do business or treat people. I recently participated in a personal program (Powerful Steps with Tory Archbold) that challenged me to dig deep and document my story – including what my values are and what my purpose is. I highly encourage anyone stuck to explore something that challenges them.
IR: For someone aspiring to work in a similar role, what key advice would you be able to share?
LL: Keep learning and growing, it is important to not only know your craft, but it is also important to understand how marketing, creative and digital evolve. If you don’t, you will be left behind.
Also, build your personal brand from day one. A growth mindset is not only important it is vital. Lastly, ensure that you are visible: visible to your manager, CEO, board and industry.
This story first appeared in the August 2023 issue of Inside Retail Australia Magazine.