Inside Retail wants to hear your opinion on the state of the Australian retail industry.
What impact will foreign retail giants have on the Australian retail market?
Which are the most effective social media channels for retailers?
Have landlords been more flexible in the last 12 months?
As a trusted retail industry professional, we’d like to request just two minutes of your time to answer a multiple choice survey on the state of the Australian retail industry.
We have 15 short questions to ask, with the combined response to form an integral part of our annual Australian Retail Outlook 2014 publication. As a thank you for completing the survey, each respondent will receive a free digital copy of Australian Retail Outlook 2014, valued at $19.95.
To complete the survey – we promise it will take little more than a minute – please click here.
And if you haven’t ordered your copy of Australian Retail Outlook 2014, click here.
Thanks for your assistance in shaping retail opinion!