Retail landlord Vicinity Centres has received development approval from Brisbane City Council for a $36 million redevelopment for the luxury precinct at QueensPlaza in Brisbane.
Vicinity will introduce new international luxury brands and Australian designers, plus two new signature restaurants, one featuring a new dining balcony looking over the Queen Street Mall.
“We want our customers as well as the over one million tourists who visit Brisbane’s CBD each year to take the time to indulge in the luxury and dining experience when they visit QueensPlaza,” said Vicinity Centres executive general manager, development, Carolyn Viney.
“Our focus will be to bring a new curated fashion, beauty and accessories offer to life, complimented by a premium dining experience.”
Planned works will begin immediately and will feature improvements to lighting, centre amenities and new flooring.
“The QueensPlaza redevelopment has been designed to further enhance the centre’s status as the leading luxury and lifestyle destination in Brisbane’s CBD and attract new luxury brands to the centre,” said Viney.
The new development concept has been prepared by Blight Rayner, with PDT Architects undertaking design architecture. Vicinity Centres has appointed Mainbrace as the design and construction contractor.
The majority of development works will be completed in time for the Christmas trading period, with the entire project due for completion in mid-2019.
QueensPlaza first opened in 2005 and houses anchor retailers David Jones and Coles as well as more than 60 specialty boutiques and high-end retailers.
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